Month October 2015

Talent Match Black Country - Progress Update Oct to Nov 2015

The project is now well and truly in the delivery phase. Black Country Talent Match opened for referrals in Oct 2014, since October the project has received and processed on average 60 referrals per month. The response from partner referral agencies remains positive. The challenge is to manage demand and capacity.

Since the project opened for referrals we have received 694 referrals of which 674 have been processed to date. (data 8th October 15)

· 564 young people met the TM criteria
· 399 young people who have accepted the offer, 379 are receiving mentoring support

Young People’s Impressions

In keeping with young people having a voice within Talent Match Black Country, a pilot consultation with young people currently engaged with the program was undertaken.

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LPF Youth Input

Talent Match set out to include young people in every step of its development and that is true of its website. Over the last couple of months we have coded, designed graphics for and have produced a website Talent Match young people can be proud of. The website, designed by Talent Match young people, is being put together with young people always at the helm of each stage of its construction. They have taken reams of suggestions supplied through meticulous consultations and are shaping it into a tool that young people will feel meets their needs; To have a place online where they feel safe.

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Youth Employment Convention 2015

Talent Match Black Country joined Talent Match London for the planning day of the Youth Employment Convention 2015. To be held at the Mermaid Hotel, London on 24th November 2015 the event promises to address the issues that are creating a “perfect storm” with severe economic and social ramifications.

The convention will bring together policy makers, stakeholders and service deliverers along with young people to share what works and best practice around how this is monitored and reported.

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New Job Opportunities at Talent Match Black Country

New Job Op

Talent Match is a Black Country wide Lottery funded project that is in the process of securing additional funding through the European Social Fund. The project is led by young people, with significant

input from businesses. The project focuses on18-24 year olds facing barriers to progression and who have been ‘NEET’ for at least a year, supporting them to move nearer and into employment. To meet demand we are recruiting additional project team members and Senior Mentors to ensure there is sufficient coverage and support for young people across the Black Country.

ESF Coordinator £30k pa

Responsible for ensuring the Talent Match project is ESF compliant and adheres to all funding and contractual requirements.

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